Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Treatment is provided by an international expert in the assessment and treatment of OCD. This package includes a psycho-diagnostic evaluation to identify and differentiate OCD from common co-occurring mental health conditions (2 hours). This evaluation is followed by the initiation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) emphasizing exposure with response prevention (ERP). CBT with ERP is recommended as the first line of treatment for OCD. While CBT will be individualized to address the patient's unique clinical need, the core therapeutic components will include: 1) psychological education about OCD and its evidenced-based treatment, 2) cognitive strategies to manage and overcome intrusive obsessive thoughts, 3) exposures to practice overcoming distress related to OCD. This step-wise treatment consists of 14 one-hour-long sessions that can be delivered in either an intensive or weekly format, and will involve family members as appropriate (ie, parents and/or partners).